Break from standard money-making schemes.
Going with psychological and marketing this week. You can get specific knowledge and insights by observing the proper information channels. Hard to beat. Yet no one pays attention to the fact that often the best inputs and observations we could have are in plain sight - something to think about.
Have you ever asked yourself? What are the best marketers in the world? Before anyone answers Alen Sultanic. We can all agree with that. But let’s say we put aside any individual specifically. Who is great at pursuing big masses? Playing around people’s minds and convincing them that something is right or wrong. Not only the big masses but also the hardest groups of customers, such as blue-collar workers. How do you call those who are successful at doing that? Cult leaders, televangelists, and MLM top performers.
Masters in marketing.
Learn From The Best
Before anyone gets upset, we are calling someone out or putting dirt on someone's name. This is not the main idea here. Plus, all the names you will find in this article are pure coincidences. If you are still wondering why you should listen to advice from those running the bigger masses.
Well, there are a few good reasons.
First, no one can deny they are masters at their craft. Running large groups requires you to know how to sell your idea, persuade someone that something is good for them, and in the end, manipulate them for their benefit. Something in-depth covered in an article, such as quality reading material - which is a mandatory read. As you already know, the main idea of this website will always be to convince you that even if you don’t agree with something…
You should still recognize the opportunity to learn from it.
Take, for example, intelligent misfits and what most of them pulled off. Not something you will see the average Joe being able to do. Does that mean you should go out and put virus software on government machines? No. Yet there is still something for you to learn from all of that. Once you internalize the mindset, you can always take a lesson from someone or something, even if you do not support it or think it’s right. You will become unstoppable. To get the most out of this read - understand the logic behind actions. Don't focus on the action part. Pay attention to the big picture that leads to certain outcomes - what is behind them.
Cult Leaders
This should be your first strategic learning point. Most will not even need anything else. There are many examples on many scales of cult leaders. Now combine that with the multiple outcomes, and you are in for the ride. Remember, your goal is not to study how Mason killed Sharon, but how he convinced the people it was the right thing to do. The problem with most cult examples is that a solid percent of them were into drugs. It was not unheard of that most of those used to go for weeks abusing the drugs.
Giving them enough space to do whatever they want with their victims, or in this case, followers. If you are going to be learning from cults. Make sure there is minimal drug use or any other substance. You are there for marketing, psychological, and persuasion angles. Brainwashing without substances. Everything else is not worth looking into and could be considered a waste of time. That's why you must recognize different types of cults, such as political, religious, doomsday…
They all use different methods and ways to manipulate the masses.
Best of the best. Straight up, someone who can maneuver around the masses with little effort. This goes hand in hand with the cult leaders, plus the big leverage those individuals have is that their set of beliefs doesn’t require substance abuse. Which is a plus for you studying it. Their tricks are almost identical to those of cult leaders. But one is using different motives to convince others that something is right or wrong.
Yet there are some buying jets and convincing others that it was a bigger sign and for the better. Frames all over this - much to learn. It is on you to decide if it is worth it or not. We also suggest you dig up their copy material that is being spread around smaller towns and cities. An example of a copy that converts well. You will also notice how that type of copy is never written using anything above the 6th grade reading level. Lessons in there.
Multi-Level Marketing - MLM
MLM is one big mess, and yes they deserve to be on the list. When we are talking about MLM, we are not talking about the average product pusher who only convinces his family members that buying that stuff is good. We are talking about those at the top. First, they are praying for inexperienced people with get-rich-quick schemes. Which makes it much easier to pull off. Promising big results and lifestyle.
Similar concept to what your favorite guru is running when funneling people into his Telegram group.
We are sure most of our readers have had at least one close encounter with groups such as this one. You often come across those during your high school or college days. You might wonder why. Because they know how to target their audience. MLM comes down to the marketing and exploration of insecure individuals. Looking for a few examples? The funniest part about MLM companies is that most of them are not considered MLM anymore. Some of them even had an IPO. However, their principles are still the same, and the core business has not changed much. What money and big numbers allow you to pull off.
Extra - War Propaganda
Where to even start with this one? One of the best materials ever written about manipulation and marketing was done during World War 2. Not to get into any details or pick sides. There is a reason the entire world went one side vs. another. Good vs. bad.
The funniest part of that story is that both sides thought they were good and that the other one was bad.
It was mass-scale "marketing" that convinced millions that fighting for one side was unavoidable. There is much to gather here in those legendary motivational speeches, such as this one. A solid example straight from the BBC.
Study Material
Everyone’s favorite part. Resources. Sharing what we gathered from multiple different sources plus something we have had a chance to study and read. There is much more material to be added here. As always, with any material, you dive deeper into, once you find something relevant in those books…
Your next goal should be to dive deeper into the material found.
It can’t get much simpler than that. That is how you compound your knowledge and learning power. Something we plan to cover in another article. Books, testimonials from ex-members, documentaries, and copy material. We are mixing cult material, straight psychology, and manipulation all together. Not getting into any material in particular. Leaving that part for you to decide if it is worth it or not.
Under The Banner of Heaven - Jhon Krauker
The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature - Eric Hoffer
The Purpose Driven Church - Rick Warren
When Prophecy Fails - Henry Riecken, Leon Festinger, and Stanley Schachter
Crystallizing Public Opinion - Edward Bernays
The Brain - The Story - David Eagleman
The Ellipsis Manual: Analysis And Engineering Of The Human Behavior - Chase Hughes
Leaving you with an interesting video on how to become a cult leader.
Study Them
Should you bother studying what has been mentioned here?
If you are someone in the WiFi money space or trying to start your adventure money-making adventure on the side. The answer is simple. Play the marketing game. It’s the important one. Understand what is going on around you. Deeper insights into human psychology are unbeatable. One should view it as a weapon in the arsenal.
That’s why studying it straight from those abusing them is one of the best ways to learn.
From those who are being perused, manipulated, or led into something without even realizing that. In the worst case, an article here should help you defend yourself when you find yourself in a position where someone is trying to manipulate and persuade you against your will. The ability that few can say that they possess.
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you may enjoy the book How to Start a Cult by Jody Raynsford