The Telegram group was started for one simple reason: to provide you with resources, knowledge, and fast feedback on your situation. We are creating a community of high achievers and professionals who share a similar vision and seek ways to maximize their quality of life.
After running this group for over six months, we can confidently say our goal has been achieved. We have over 300+ professionals helping each other achieve what others can only imagine… From working in high-end finance and tech sales to e-commerce business owners and affiliates, There is something for everyone.
What others are saying about the group…
Read the rules and respect them.
Both groups are available at no additional charge for all active, paying subscribers. Membership starts on the day you subscribe, not the day you join the group.
1. Promotion, lead generation, and spam are not allowed.
2. Be nice to other members. Help if you can. The universe will magically find a way to return the favor.
3. No hand-holding. Your first goal should always be to consult the Google search engine. Make sure to search the group as well. It's okay to ask questions but refrain from asking basic hand-holding questions that Google can resolve in 2 minutes. Questions are welcome, and we will do our best to answer them.
4. No DMs or spamming other members.
5. Hate speech is not allowed.