Welcome reader! Being a few weeks away from the end of the year means it is the perfect time to prepare for what is to come. Not just to prepare but to remind yourself of what works and what doesn’t. We are bringing you a solid 20-minute read on what you should follow to maximize your income next year and what has happened in 2024—to maximize your income and improve your life. Everyone knows that if one area of your life improves, it carries over to the others. The main reason this read covers multiple areas of your life.
Before going forward, we suggest reading One Year, Two Skills—Max Effort and what you can do to make the next year better. Both are important this time of year.
Basics - Getting Your Priorities Right
How does one define rich? Having more money in the bank account doesn’t mean you are richer. Quite far from that. Being rich means being successful and well-off across multiple categories in your life. Another definition could be someone living on better terms than those around you—that is the actual definition of the rich. Does the money play a role in that? Definitely. What does the money mean if you are sick in the hospital? Nothing. Does the health play a role in how rich you are? Definitely. What does being healthy mean if you are 24/7 in your house without a social circle and not using it right? Nothing. It should not be too hard to notice the pattern. The only proper way to become richer than the previous year is to improve in multiple categories: health, career, investing, and side business.
Where are you now: The answer will be different for everyone. Are you already in a good role (impressive career) and trying to run a side business? Still in a college? Learning new skills and getting ready to start your side business? There is no one answer—everyone's situation will be different. What you want to do is be honest with yourself. Take a piece of paper and write down everything. Ask yourself: "What will provide me with the biggest leverage in the future that requires the least input"? That is the answer you are looking for. That is how to get the most and the advice that might not make sense initially. But it will give you the hedge you want in the long run—the more options you have… The bigger the chances of you making more money over the long run.
Ignore the noise: It has never been more critical and will only get more important as we move forward. Learn to ignore the noise around you. The content you consume and process daily is what you become in the end. Ignoring the noise also ensures you don’t fall for cheap tricks or funnels others try to push you—the grass is always greener on the other side. Everyone knows more than you. Everyone makes more money than you. Everyone lives a better lifestyle than you. That is far from the truth. Stop falling for those cheap tricks spread by those trying to sell you something. Trust your instincts and stick to the proven stuff that works in the long run. Getting more comes down to you vs. the person you see in the mirror.
Set up: Only by utilizing the points above and incorporating those principles can you achieve better returns than the previous year. They are basics. Basics that will allow you to make the best possible decision in the long run. The 2024 was by far the best year in history for making money. What about 2025? Things will only get easier. One could argue that it will become easier as there are more and more ways to make money without being a professional. No one can deny degeneracy happening around us. What does that mean? Everything that works right now will continue to do so in the next year. Your success (or lack) will come down to how prepared you are. What will happen in the next 5 years? Hard to tell. The biggest return on the investment you will have is giving 100% of your effort into the following year. Controlling the controllable. A long-term vision mixed with short-term strategies is where money will be made.
Getting Richer - your priorities - risk management: We are repeating ourselves. Everyone's situation will be different. Your priorities will be different. Your risk management is going to be different. The final goal? Same - getting rich. Our approach here? Applicable for everyone. It is not just applicable to everyone but has proven to work. It gives you leverage against those moving in motion without a structured approach to building. Keep it simple, play long-term games, and learn how to expose yourself to risky plays properly. The best overall, structured approach will come down to this:
Ensure you have a predictable income
Start your WiFi Money-side business ASAP
Take care of your finances (invest - save)
Understand what is coming and where you are
Don’t overlook the basics of the good life (sales, health, and social skills)
The essence of risk management lies in maximizing the areas where we have some control over the outcome while minimizing the areas where we have absolutely no control over the outcome. - Peter L. Bernstein
How To Get Rich(er) In 2025
WiFi Money - Side Business
What should you focus on? There are no right or wrong answers, as everyone's situation differs. The only answer that applies to everyone who has not started their side business? Start something. As long as you are chasing an "aha moment" where everything will click, it doesn't matter. Avoid falling for any money-chasing pitfalls—$1k and $10k per month are all useless paradigms. Running a side business is not linear, which makes those headlines irrelevant. Leave those for when things start to roll. The progress you are making and the new skills you are learning are compounding—your goal. This means that next year, you will be in a better position than you are now. That is all there is for those who are yet to start. Spend a maximum of a year studying and get out there as soon as possible. Even if your idea fails, you will gain valuable experience to help you start your next adventure better. For those who are already making money on the side? You know the answer. Scale more. Get into other business adventures and be smart with that money. We live in the best time in history with the most opportunity, and if you have realized that you are in a favorable position. Learn to derisk and not rely entirely on any platform—there is so much to worry about.
Picking the (online) business model: Your best bet? Stick to evergreen business models—those that have been around since the beginning of the internet and will continue to do so. Affiliate marketing, e-commerce, software, and offer building are the top picks for internet money. Modern-age gurus will disagree with that just because they are trying to sell you something new—this works. Next on the list would be contract work or another type of fulfillment, such as an agency. Everything else? It is often not worth your time regarding WiFi money—this has been proven multiple times. Limiting yourself to exit opportunities and the total accessible market (TAM)? If you plan on pursuing it for a long time, it's not what you want, considering the limitations behind it.
What is powerful about those first few mentioned is that they are all passive. The reality is that there is no passive business, and you should never believe there is 100% passive business out there. Yet if you have a strong setup and decide to go to Monaco for a few days this summer… There is a good chance you will come back with more money in your bank account than with what you went with. Contract stacking and agency work are more glorified jobs than business models—you are being paid based on your fulfillment. The trends won't change for the next year. Businesses that help with big problems, such as insecurities or those related to making more money, will continue to grow. Better said, they will never go out of fashion.
Personal brand: All those who have been reading us for some time now know what these personal brands are all about. They are the leverage and will continue to be so as we cover how to win the attention of the economy. The future is all about personal brands, meaning that if you have one and the other person you are going against doesn’t have one. It is a clear win. This applies to careers, social proof, and WiFi money. It is always funny when people try to convince you that social proof and reputation don’t matter. They do. Everyone who is making money on the internet or paying for someone's services knows that. There have never been more consumers, meaning creating content around your skill and sharing it with the public won't get out of fashion. In the worst-case scenario, you can monetize it sooner or later.
All credit to Ravikant - Jorgeson (Almanack of Naval Ravikant)
As WiFi money always seems a priority for everyone, here is a quick overview of what you should focus on for the next year to ensure you are in a better position than you were in the previous year: 1) If you have not made a single dollar online—forget about the numbers. Chase the "aha, it is possible moment." 2) Already making money? Scale, and don’t be afraid to explore other ventures. 3) If you plan on playing the long game, stick to evergreen business models 4) Don’t sleep on personal brand—it is leverage and will continue to be in the future.