The new year is approaching fast. Before you get blackout drunk - you should not. Few more things left to do. Ensuring the next year will be better than the one you had. In each case, what you have done in 2023 is already behind you. Nothing much you can do. What about next year? The plan is simple. Prepare yourself to get the most with the least input. Something we have been preaching for months. Time to break down what you can do to make your next year better.
Worth mentioning we are still running the Q&A. At this moment, we at 40 questions - most repeating themselves. In case you need an answer or are curious about something. Do yourself a favor and ask.
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Taking A Look Back At The Year - Overview
Before we go forward. There are only a few requirements.
2 weeks of deep thinking before the New Year
You can’t skip the pen and paper part. You are not allowed to use any digital solution to do the writing part. There is something different when you take the pen and write something down. Carrying a certain weight behind it. Especially when you are planning something "important".
The next part is the crucial one. Give yourself two weeks of deep thinking. No one is expecting you to stop with everything, your lean WiFi money business, and think back about your past year. Not at all. It’s something that should happen as you go by. Commuting to work and random things that happened during the year cross your mind? Write them somewhere down as soon as you can. In the middle of the gym session, if you remember, you didn't start your side operation, because you didn’t have time because of x or y? Write it as soon as possible.
"But you told us to use pen and paper" - that comes down later once you have the opportunity to do so. You need to execute fast when you have an idea in your mind. Not even necessarily an idea - memory. But think about all of the things that could be different or worse if you made a different choice. Setting yourself up with a game plan. One that will allow you to run laps around others.
Two Weeks Before New Year
Deep thinking phase. Without a doubt, the most important part of the whole action plan and the main idea behind the article. Not to repeat ourselves, the basic rules of "deep thinking" are a few rows above. Now, it’s on you to take what you want from this and adjust it so that it works for you. Some readers will prefer to take one hour without any distractions and write all of their thoughts down. While the others will do something different and write as their day goes by - taking days to do so. Numerous ways to pull this off plus everyone is different. Take what you want from this and adjust it so that it fits your needs.
The whole deep thinking phase should be spent reviewing the year that is about to finish. Our advice is to start two weeks before the New Year as we feel this is the sweet spot. Most people are getting hyped up and planning where they will "spend the best night in the year". If you are thinking New Year's Night is the best night of the year, you already have some issues you need to work on. Don’t take this as an offense - just something you should keep in mind and work on. One could argue that New Year's Night is the worst night of the year if you are planning to party. But that’s the story for another time.
If you were running any sort of journal or goals system. Perfect opportunity to review those. Breaking them down and analyzing whether you actually achieved what you had planned or were they just emotional masturbation of sorts. Combing those random thoughts that fall onto your mind and you write down during the day. Should be more than enough to give you a clear overview of how things ended up. In general, goal setting and the system behind those are not the most optimal. There is no one model that fits all. We could bet a major percentage of our readers are realistic with our goals, while a smaller percentage of the readers are not. That’s why the journal setup is superior when compared with the standard "goal-based system".
If you are one of those who use goals as motivation (nothing wrong with that if done right) - make sure you are realistic. Dont be one of those Twitter individuals that have not yet banked 1$ from their WiFi money operations. But are already thinking about 10k/month. Be realistic with it and build - it will come. Dont overthink this part. Think, write down, and review what you had planned. Be honest with yourself how whether things ended up working out for you or not. Write down all your wins and losses. That’s all the magic there is.
Getting Better
Once you are done reviewing the year behind - spend at least a few days on it. It is time to gather all of your writings, notes, journals, plus everything else you have used in your thinking phase. Putting them all into one place and basing the game plan on your personal feedback. First of all, you must understand that the improvement is nonlinear. Something that the old WSP blog used to preach about a lot. At this point not much else to do - you should have a solid overview of how the year ended up.
Review all of the items that were a priority to you. Any progress on them? Waste of time? Better said, would something else have more impact? Expected more, or are you satisfied with how the year went? Any new life, business, or relationship lessons? You want to write it down to find out what actually did work or did not work. Important to have a clear overview that you can take into consideration. Better said for the next year. Covered earlier in why you need to believe in yourself.
If you are not already we would strongly suggest splitting your "system" into pillars such as financial, health, side income - WiFi Money, and social - the same as you should do while journaling. We feel this would benefit the majority. Covering all life topics one could have. Keep in mind one of your goals here should be to create a template. Something you will be able to use each year without much thinking. Spend two weeks reviewing and collecting your inputs - plug them all into the template. It should be that simple. Once that is done, it’s time for the fun part to start.
You have a clear picture of the year behind you at this point. When it comes to preparing yourself for the one that is yet to come. Having certain insights on what works for you and how you should be moving forward in order to achieve the maximum results. Few examples to give you an idea of how you should be thinking. Better said what you should be paying attention to. You have achieved the best ever WiFi money results. But during that process, you became lazy and didn’t hit the gym. Resulting in 20lbs of additional fat on your frame. Another common one is focusing on WiFi income forgetting completely about your family. Both of those could be optimized in that sense to gain more. Not necessarily more. But to reduce the "damage" in certain areas while you succeed in other areas.
Arguably most optimal way to do so would be to set up your future system in smaller chunks. Creating a sort of action step plan on which you could guarantee yourself that those ideas you had planned for the upcoming year actually do get fulfilled. Not only that. But overachieved in that sense. Compared with standard goal setting, this method is superior. A typical goal would be something like "lose 20lbs" - while that same goal in smaller chunks would look more like: take 10k steps each day, make sure to intermediate fast, and hit the gym at least 3x per week. Another example would be in order for you to make sure you are spending more time with your family, you will be waking up 1 hour earlier each day to work on your WiFi money instead of spending whole weekends on it. That is the difference between the good system and the bad one. We are not saying you should have full-blown 20x pages of your step-by-step plan. But you do have to define your next goals in order for them to be achievable and not just big ideas. Ones that you will never achieve.
The whole process should not take anyone more than two weeks - especially not our readers. In fact, it could take you a few days. We, on purpose, suggest two weeks because it will allow you to have some thinking time. Crucial when it comes to a year in the review part. Leaving you with plenty of time to think alongside everything else that is happening in your life. Dont overcomplicate it. Your only focus should be to get better - making your next year better than the previous one.
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