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Welcome reader! After spending a week driving a 30-year-old Land Cruiser around the Third World. There have been a few ideas and conclusions that we feel obliged to share with you to help you improve your position. Not just to help you improve your position but also to give you a few tricks to improve your life. The playing field has leveled up, and there have never been fewer excuses for not making it.
What You Have To Realize
Reality Check: We are all dealt different hands. If you are healthy and born into the First World, you should be thankful for your situation. Being born in the first world, having access to the internet, and having English as your first language are all massive benefits most take for granted. Why? The reason is that you have an advantage over those not in that fortunate situation. Some people don’t have 24/7 access to the internet, while others have yet to learn English to achieve greater things. Problems that most readers of our content cannot relate to. Yet, they present a significant issue for those in less favorable positions. For those who don’t have problems such as those? You have no excuse not to achieve greatness. Less so if you have been reading us for some time and understand the blueprint. The idea here is not to go into detail about how one has it easier than others or how life is unfair - which it is. Our goal here is for you to understand that no matter your situation - you still have a chance to make it if you are ready to work and have access to the right information. Main requirement? The internet. After speaking with hundreds of people from various backgrounds, careers, and life situations last year. The conclusion is simple - life is what you make of it.
Unpredictability Factor: We felt obliged to mention this because unpredictability plays a role in everything. No one can tell what will happen with the stock market or the future or whether you will be diagnosed with something that will limit your ability to achieve your life goals. That is the part of the game you must accept as it is and accept your fate. You can care for your health, futureproof yourself, and do your best to avoid lifestyle traps. The unpredictability factor and the basics mentioned above are the second puzzle pieces that should be considered. The result of that should be self-realization that you are ready to put in the effort without expecting much in return. One way to put it is coming down to the wealthy's mindset - self-irrational optimism. The realization that one thing will not work without the other is something the average individual won't understand. Modern society has convinced young people that they deserve jobs, an excellent social position, or money without working for them. If you are reading this, understand that you deserve nothing and that nothing in life will be handed to you for free by anyone else except your family. That is the first step in creating a life you want for yourself.
Making It A Reality
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What It Takes: Nothing ever works out if you are not ready to put in the work and effort others are not prepared to do. This applies to all areas of your life and has been visible since the early days of your life. If you are a young kid, being a top student means you will get into a top school, which ensures you will get an internship in a big logo company, ensuring you can have an excellent career until you exit it to focus on your business. Remember the Maxims? The same applies to health. If you are young and playing sports, it is an unwritten rule that you eat better and exercise, meaning you feel more energetic and look better than your peers. Most fail to understand that all your actions impact all areas of your life. Not only do they affect you. They straight-up influence how the future will look for you and what you can expect. Our inability to separate actions from results in the last decade or two has led us to a rapid decline in the quality of life for the average individual. A mindset shift happens once you look at things from that perspective and realize that everything you want to achieve is based on your actions. No one can guarantee you will achieve what you want, but you can create the life you want to achieve for yourself once you understand the simple equation. Specific action → impact on one area of life → results in another area of your life. Everything you do in one area of your life affects other areas. A practical example is getting an internship in a big logo company that will benefit your future job.
Risk-Reward Ratio: Given that our boring and proven approach to building wealth often gets overlooked by younger readers. We felt obliged to mention risk-reward. Humans operate differently based on the risk and safety net they have behind them. The basic example: You are trying to start a business. That business is your only source of cash flow coming in, at the same time you don’t have enough money in your bank account to run it long enough without achieving positive cash flow as soon as possible. How will you behave, and what choices will you make running that business? Desperate ones. Why? Because you don’t have a choice and depend only on it. The same applies to everything else in life. The realization comes down to having more and giving you the option to position yourself properly. Operating from an abundant mindset is necessary. Doing this will make you more outcome-independent - making it crucial for long-term results. It’s possible to achieve what you want by going solo or dropping out of college. We can’t deny it. Part of the story is there are countless ways to achieve the life you want to achieve by following a million different approaches to the problem. Our approach? Minimizing the risk and maximizing the rewards.
How To Get Maximum Out Of This Article: If you want to take this article and what has been laid out here to the next level. What you want to do before reading any further is take a piece of paper and pen. The next step is writing what you want from your life and what you value. You will only live the life you want to live by knowing what life you want to live. Cover all the main categories and the ones you value the most: career, business, lifestyle, and location. Doing this helps put your thoughts into reality. Giving you a clear picture of what you value and your goals. You would be surprised how many people walk through life without knowing what they want.