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Welcome reader! Life is unfair. The future? Less fair. How should I prepare? What should I do? These are common questions that everyone asks themselves. The reality? No one can tell what will happen in the future.
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The AI
Important note: We are not pessimistic about the future. We don’t believe overnight changes will happen as pessimists push that narrative. Things will take months, years, and decades. That is why paying attention to what is happening around us in the present moment is essential. It is important to mention that the article might sound pessimistic and cynical.
Singularity: If you have ever researched the future, you may wonder how to position yourself for what is coming. Singularity was one of the first things you stumbled upon. It is the one authors most like to spend their time on. The last century's books often say that the singularity will be achieved around 2040 - 2060. Obsession with Singularity - machines becoming humans (that’s one way to put it) has become a more popular topic since we have experienced growth in AI and its massive application over the last couple of years. Since this is not an AI article but one on how you should futureproof yourself. Technology will not stop improving - no one can stop it. What should you do instead? Realize that until the singularity is achieved, you have time to position yourself and get everything you want out of life. Once the singularity is truly achieved - everything you have been taught will be changed.
Time Until Singularity: To keep it simple, let's say that we can expect the singularity in the next 30 to 35 years. Again, this is not something anyone can predict with a guarantee. We can say that significant changes will happen in the next ten years - this is something we have been covering for months. The first wave of automation is coming, and there is so much you can do to protect yourself. Luckily for most, the big companies are slow with implementations, and it will take years to see results of the same. The story differs for those working in smaller teams or their own business. You can expect your productivity to go up with tools coming and replacing those old ones that used to waste your time. There is no place to panic. The goal of our newsletter is not to sell you any doomer material or to sell you nonsense that has been sold around. Anyone reading this realizes everyone will have to put effort into ensuring their position in the future. Hedging against what is coming for all of us. What is the problem with most of the futureproofing advice? It is all theory. None of it is practical, we would argue - it would be ridiculous not to plan to get the most out of your position.
By the time we get to the 2040s, we’ll be able to multiply human intelligence a billionfold. That will be a profound change that’s singular in nature. Computers are going to keep getting smaller and smaller. Ultimately, they will go inside our bodies and brains and make us healthier, make us smarter. - Ray Kurzweil
Why You Should Care About The Future: If you are wondering why we are discussing the future again, it makes sense if you have made the correct life decisions up to this point. Embrace it. Another reason is that if you are reading articles such as these, there are zero reasons you should be afraid of what is coming. When you are making the correct bets, there is so much you should fear. The scarcity mindset is not something anyone reading this should experience regarding the future. Start thinking as the average wealthy individual thinks. Irrational optimism is one way to put it. How far are we? From the future everyone talks about - at least 20 years. There is enough time to care for yourself and those you care about. Where to start? By reverse engineering what has been laid out in our earlier article - betting on the long-term degeneracy.
Money Making
Present: Depending on where you are on your journey, the first step should be reading our blueprint. Getting a job in tech works. Getting a job in high-end finance works. Getting a role is not as easy as it used to be a few years ago, but it’s still possible. Don't know where to start? Tech sales is an excellent place to start. Remote work? Things are not as bright as they used to be. It is much harder to land a remote entry role - something to keep in mind. Supply and demand are two ways to put it. The bigger problem that most are not yet realizing is that the mass migration toward bigger cities will allow employers to lower salaries and result in playing the universal income card. Those living in Europe know how many examples of this ridiculousness there are. People working in the service industry have salaries similar to those of high-end professionals. Do you wonder why the average European is not motivated? This is half of your answer. Crypto is still a golden ticket for those not seeing the big picture. Hoping to hit it big and retire. What every other Uber driver thinks will happen. Things have been speeding up in the crypto space, and there will be more adoption.
Futureproofing: The highest chance you will protect yourself is by running a business - the best future proof you can have. When considering the equation of mass migrations, automation, and universal income. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize the only way you can get ahead is by doing what others won't be bothered to do. Running your business is one of them. If you are a young reader and have yet to set a career path, the best advice someone could give you is to bet on robots. Why? Because robots can work 24/7 while you can’t. Being the guy telling robots what to do is one way to put it. The field is yet to explode with all the innovation happening and the future coming. It is hard to say what will happen with the other careers, but if the automation part takes place… The next ten years are crucial. Another piece of the puzzle is that you want to bet on specialization (niche down) and being in a place where demand beats the supply - these are the keys to long-term career growth. No matter what happens with technology and automation. Creativity is another factor allowing you to go further than your peers. Suppose everyone has the same access to technology and can achieve the same things with minimal knowledge. Who wins? The creative ones. Last but not least? Having a substantial amount of crypto will make things easier for you. Why? Institution players are getting on it, and there is so much space for crypto prices not to go up. We are talking about big coins. These combined should allow you to stay out of the universal income scheme.
Positioning yourself:
Start your business
Bet on a career behind the robots and specialization (realize time is limited until universal income and cheap labour do the trick)
Invest your money in long-term assets - you won’t lose