Generation Z Guide To Doing The Opposite
103: Want results others don't have? Do the opposite.
Welcome reader! This is a reminder that we are increasing the price of our subscription by $0.05 per day, making the new monthly total $7.49. We repeat ourselves to avoid getting emails asking why someone was charged more. Over the past few months, we have concluded that there are many smart and driven Gen Z individuals - quite the opposite of what the general population thinks. The general population thinks the opposite. Reason why? It’s because Generation Z operates on a huge spectrum. Large differences exist between those who "want it" and those "who participate". We would split it further: 10% of those want it while 90% participate. Terrible ratio. Most of the Gen Z don’t understand what kind of opportunity they have. Having their brains bombarded with low-value content dumbing down everyone doesn’t help either. For those who are avoiding it - congrats. You already run the laps around your peers. Can you read a four-page PDF without playing music, switching between three tabs, or playing the YouTube video in the background? Puts you at the top in comparison. Considering a solid percentage of our readers fall into Gen Z. We felt obliged to give out a few tricks on doing the opposite of your doom-scrolling peers.
Doing The Opposite
Generation Z: Our third read in the series on how to gain an advantage as early as possible. We encourage all our readers to go through the lifestyle traps to avoid and how to not waste your 20s before reading this one. Those two should set up fundamentals and explain the key points. This article is more to give you a final touch. We would say that you are setting yourself up for the success that only a small percentage of the population can achieve - if you play your cards right in your early life. The biggest problem with Gen Z? The Gen Z itself. Better said approach they are having to the basic stuff. We feel Gen Z cannot accept their situation. Blaming others and pointing out their future looks rough because of how the previous generations set up the game. There is truth in that. However pessimistic approach to life will get you so far. The last few years have been tough - no denying. At the same time, there are thousands of examples of how Gen Z individuals abused short attention spans and excessive consumer spending - setting themselves up for life. The number one advice we would give to our Gen Z readers? Stop being pessimistic. Your grandfather could buy a house from his 9to5 - no denying. Do you know what you could do from your bedroom by accessing the internet? Buy a few of them. Requirements? Hard work, loads of effort, and a bit of maneuvering. Opportunity is out there for those not in the victim mentality mode. The conclusion is the simple one. Life quality is worse for the average. The average will live to work and die without being able to afford anything extra - the opposite of how things used to work. Those who are ready to be better than others? Life quality? Better. Requirements? Irrational optimism and amount of working hours others are not ready to put in.
Realize In What World You Are Operating: Baby boomers had different core values than Gen X. Millennials have different core values than Gen X. Most of the CEOs and those with a "decision power" over you? A small percentage of Baby Boomers close to the retirement. What generation is next in those roles? Gen X and a smaller percentage of millennials. If you are one of those lucky ones who can recognize each generation’s core values - you will be able to abuse them to your advantage. The idea is not to go into any specifics. Those small things you thought didn’t matter? Well, try not to say "Good morning" to your Gen X CEO, who woke up on the left foot that day… See what happens next time your name gets mentioned in a random meeting. You will have a bad reputation in his eyes. Understand that each generation values different principles. Your best bet? Understand which world you are operating in. The key areas of your life - college, work, and social situations are the ones that matter. Be smart about it. Adapt your behavior to mirror and fit with their core principles. Understanding what they value should not take long. Result? Rapid progress compared to your peers. It all comes down to being likable and having it easy.
World Is Unfair: What most of your peers don’t want to accept is that the world is unfair. It has always been. It will always be. Unfair. The reason you want to do the opposite as soon as possible is simple. Once you accept that the world is unfair and everyone is for themselves… You will stop blaming everyone else for your failure. No one can deny there are variables you will never have an influence on in your life - such as sickness, bad economic situation, or wars. What is there to do? Position yourself accordingly. Before reading any further you must understand. No one is against you. The world is just unfair. The game has always been the same and will always be the same.
Learn Layers - Not Process: Big one. We can only thank our education system. Learn A and B to get this grade. You want a better grade? Learn C and D on top of the A and B. From an educational perspective - it makes sense. You must give out grades based on certain criteria. The problem is that it is hard to learn concepts independently. Being overwhelmed or ending up in the tutorial hell. Consuming the same content to be in the same spot you were before watching it. Another problem with the learning process is that you are not understanding the big picture. The real meaning behind actions you are doing. Everyone can learn how to click "Button 1" and "Button 3" to get the results they want. But not everyone can understand what "Button 1" and "Button 3" are causing in the background. You should strive to learn layers and understand things on a deeper level. This is a common problem for those starting their WiFi money journey. Why? 80% of courses teach you the process. What happens once everyone knows the same process? The market gets saturated. The method taught inside the course doesn't work The worst part? You learned nothing you can carry over to another method. Everyone can understand the processes - only some understand layers.
Being “Nice” Doesn’t Mean You Are A Loser: Can you help someone? Help them. We noticed big egos are common among Gen Z. Forget about that. The richest people we have met are often the nicest and humblest once you break down their shield. Learn to vouch for someone and decide if they are worth your time. We wasted days helping the people who would come up again with the same questions - ones we had already given them the answer to. Avoid that mistake. Being helpful will lead to long-term relationships and make others respect you. When others respect you, what do they do? Vouch for you. Same individuals vouching for you? They will open up multiple doors for you down the road. This is something Gen Z puts zero attention on.
Don't Be Too Lazy To Look For Your Answer: Something we have noticed with Gen Z is their inability to look for answers on their own. We find this laughable, to say the least. A simple Google search and a few minutes of your time makes 80% of all the answers findable. We can all agree Google is not what it used to be regarding quality. However, we were given much more powerful tools - AI which makes things even easier. The effort someone puts into finding the answer tells you much about them. The idea that people don’t judge you based on your questions is wrong. No one respects someone asking questions that could be found in under two minutes. Learning to find things on your own is a mandatory skill.
Your Peers Are Addicted To Shortcuts: The fastest and easiest way to achieve. This is the ultimate question from the average Gen Z individual. It always must be about the fastest way to achieve results. It’s impossible to pinpoint why this trend continues to grow each year. We think it’s one of those things that is a byproduct of all those years of YouTube headlines and cheap funnels. There is always a better method and a more ridiculous claim. Mixed up with the golden ticket epidemy and grass is always a greener mindset. You should focus on the boring stuff and do the opposite from your peers. Be prepared to put hours into your craft until you notice you are improving. Looking for shortcuts will waste months of your life while leaving you in the same position you have been in before.
Stop Following The Trends: Hard concept to understand for youngsters. It was also a much different term than it is today. No one would understand if you asked someone in the 90s what cancel culture is. Today? Everyone knows it, and most take part in it. A world event happens. Suddenly all your friends hate X? You will likely want to fit in and adopt that mindset. Forget about that. Learn to think for yourself and always judge based on your inner beliefs. Forget about what is popular. Forget about the trends. The last ten years have been terrible - when it comes to world events. The smartest and richest people we have met know how to position themselves in those cases. Always getting the better out of them. Remember - each story has two sides. Humans were given two ears and one month for a good reason. Before saying something or doing something you are not 100% aligned with. Stop for a moment. Think about it. Most of those trends are driven by some deep economic power your friends could not imagine. It is always about someone benefiting from it - think with your head and forget about the trends. Instead of adapting to the group mentality, you can fit in with your peers in millions of ways. Remember the average individual is brainwashed.
Stop Entertaining Yourself: This is easier said than done in the current environment. Twenty minutes without entertainment for a large percentage of Gen Z feels like a century. Twitter scrolling, TikTok clips, YouTube videos, Telegram, Snapchat, Instagram, and Netflix. You name it. All different entertainment forms that are draining your creativity and ability to focus. Most of your peers can’t focus on a three-page text file - imagine them reading a book or something more complex. Impossible. Gen Z is not the only one who is suffering from this problem. The constant need to entertain ourselves has caused solid damage to the general population. Attention spans are shorter, and one’s ability to focus has never been worse. Your goal? Spend as little time as possible on activities that are not ROI+. Meaning you are producing the content instead of using it. That is the proper way to use 70% of entertainment applications - especially social media.
Invest Smart: One would be surprised how Gen Z invests. According to the CFA Institute, 82% of US citizens under 21 invest. Problem with this? Everyone is trying to hit the lottery ticket. These investments are false speculations that most sell at a loss. Do the opposite. Start buying proven financial instruments. Going the QQQ - S&P500 route and mixing it up with L1 crypto. Next step? Start allocating a percentage of your portfolio into the meme coins - if that’s your thing. This way you can't lose. This is exactly what your peers will not do. Why? It is an unsexy approach to building out wealth. Luckily we are playing the long game.

Understand What Is Going On In The World: No one says you should spend half an hour reading the news daily. But a quick Wall Street Journal and Hacker News will get you places. The idea here is not to open articles but to understand what is happening around you. Headline scan should not take you over five minutes per day. Enough for you not to sound like an idiot if you find yourself in a group discussing world events.
Read Books: Study them. Understand the message behind those words and the point the author tried to make. Not only will you be able to pick up the info that will improve your life. You also cannot find that same material anywhere else. Another point for reading? Reading will also help you improve at copywriting - one of the most underrated skills you could possess. Reading books will also help you build up vocabulary big enough so you will not have to use "bro" in each sentence - something you should avoid at all costs.
Understand That Social Media Is A Big Funnel: Understand that everything you see on social media is one big funnel. No matter how much information and knowledge someone gives you - their goal is to get something out of you. Attention, engagement, or money. You should not be surprised. Understanding the funnels and realizing someone is leading you certain action is a skill that will get you far. It will also help you to reverse engineer it and do the same. The best part about the funnel pill is that nothing will be the same once you start consuming the content from the funnel perspective. Leaving you with the Hormozi quote...
I have nothing to sell you. - Alex Hormozi
Learn To Listen: Something that most of Gen Z cannot do. We witness multiple times kids initially labeled as intellectual quickly being labeled as kids thinking they are the smartest - ones no one can stand. The line is thin. What you want to learn to do is listen without giving out feedback or having a public opinion on it. Shut up and process. Process what point the other side is trying to bring. People love to talk about themselves, which is another reason to learn to listen. You can pick up many small details that you can use going forward. Very important for those working in the corporate environment.
Pay Attention To Your Looks: Forget about looking like a homeless. Fashion trends set by popular hip-hop icons? Guaranteed to classify you as a bum when it comes to serious crowds. You don’t want that. The same goes for hairstyle, beard, and other things you must take care of - forget about the broccoli hairstyle. Gym? Non-negotiable. The same goes for the cardio. Three - four hours per week is all you need to be in solid shape. We will not post any studies here, but it’s proven that individuals who look better have it easier in life. 1990s and early 2000s were full of those studies. Attractiveness equals influence and it has never been cheaper to dress yourself so others will respect you.
Summary: This short read, combined with the other two in the series? Guaranteed to help. Doing the opposite of your peers and getting a better position than them - that’s how we would put it. Some would say we just gave a certain angle to look at things. Hard to tell at this point. What has been mentioned here? In general, doesn’t get enough attention from Gen Z. Be smart about it. Have a nice weekend.
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Amazing read as usual.